Preparatório CPIM Simulado, Perguntas e Respostas


CPIM: preparatório e simulado inovador, com uma abordagem prática focada exclusivamente em responder perguntas no formato do exame. Durante o evento, você terá contato com questões que abrangem todos os capítulos do conteúdo, simulando a experiência do exame. Além disso, receberá dicas valiosas sobre como abordar as perguntas, estratégias para administrar o tempo durante a prova e insights sobre os tópicos mais recorrentes. O foco está em desenvolver sua habilidade de interpretar e resolver questões práticas, proporcionando uma preparação objetiva e eficiente, sem depender de conteúdos longos e exaustivos de livros e slides.

Não contém learning system, membership ou exames.


Preparatório CPIM Preparatório, Perguntas e Respostas | Simulado, Perguntas e Respostas


Module 1: Strategy
Section A: The Environment and Strategy
Section B: Strategic Scope
Section C: Strategic Objectives
Section D: Developing Organizational Strategy
Section E: Executing and Monitoring Strategy
Section F: Analysis for Functional and Operational Strategies
Section G: Functional and Operational Strategies
Section H: Processes and Layouts
Section I: Performance Monitoring and KPIs
Section J: Risk Management
Section K: Capital Equipment and Facilities
Section L: Sustainability Strategies

Module 2: Sales and Operations Planning
Section A: Purpose of S&OP
Section B: S&OP Roles and Process
Section C: Aggregate Demand and Supply Plans
Section D: Reconciling S&OP Plans

Module 3: Demand
Section A: Demand Management
Section B: Customers
Section C: Marketing and Product Management
Section D: Sources of Demand
Section E: Forecasting
Section F: Forecast Performance

Module 4: Supply
Section A: Creating the Master Schedule
Section B: Using and Maintaining the Master Schedule
Section C: Rough-Cut Capacity Planning
Section D: MRP Design
Section E: Using and Managing MRP
Section F: CRP and MRP-Based Scheduling
Section G: Final Assembly Schedule
Section H: Suppliers
Section I: Purchasing
Section J: Product Costing
Section K: Changes and Supply Disruptions
Section L: Product Life Cycle Management

Module 5: Inventory
Section A: Inventory Planning
Section B: Inventory Management
Section C: Inventory Costs, Value, and Metrics
Section D: Inventory Control
Section E: Waste Hierarchy and Reverse Logistics

Module 6: Detailed Schedules
Section A: Planning Detailed Schedules
Section B: Scheduling and PAC Methods
Section C: Production Schedules
Section D: Using Detailed Schedules

Module 7: Distribution
Section A: Planning Distribution
Section B: Replenishment and Order Management
Section C: Reverse Logistics in Distribution Network

Module 8: Quality, Continuous Improvement, and Technology
Section A: Quality
Section B: Continuous Improvement
Section C: Technology

O que está incluso

  • Manual do participante
  • Certificado de participação
  • Apostila em pdf


Datas e horários, confira a programação completa e realize a sua inscrição via procedimento e-commerce.


Conheça as diretrizes que regem as inscrições.


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Encerramento das inscrições

Encerramento das inscrições em até 15 dias antes do início do evento, ou enquanto durarem as vagas.


Acesse a loja e faça seu pedido!

IP Disclaimer: CPIM, CSCP, CLTD, and CTSC are registered trademarks of ASCM and APICS. CPSM is a registered trademark of ISM. We hereby formally acknowledge and respect the proprietary rights vested in these trademarks and assert that our organization neither claims any rights therein nor any association, affiliation, or endorsement by the respective trademark owners. Furthermore, we unequivocally state that our organization operates as an independent entity dedicated solely to the teaching and instruction of preparatory courses for these certifications within the territorial jurisdiction of Brazil. We remain steadfast in our commitment to the advancement and professional empowerment of the Supply Chain, Logistics, Manufacturing, and Operations community.

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